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Concentration topic on the Salem witch trials. 

Written Evidence:

     What were the Salem Witch Trials like from the perspective of a bystander? How were women dehumanized during this time period? How can I show an alternative version of this portion of American history?
     I wanted to show a different side of the story, where accused women in Salem were innocent and sentenced for a crime they did not commit, to portray the feeling of hopelessness of the bystander convicted for defending the “witches”. All of the pieces were in black and white, besides the flower in the last piece, to remove the emotion colors bring in. I wanted to explore how to bring emotion to the pieces without the use of colors. The blue flower in piece 15 represents the new movement that arose from the witch trials and hope. In pieces 2-5, 10-12, 14, and 7 I didn't show any faces to represent how the identity of the person didn’t matter, women were accused regardless of who they were. I made this to give the piece an eerie look, without faces the pieces seem emotionless. I explored how black and white played a role in the focus of the piece by switching its placement on pieces 8-9, 4-5, and 14-15.


Height: 3 inches

Width: 2 inches

Material(s): mechanical 0.7 pencil

Process(es): Sketched with mechanical pencils


Height: 15 inches

Width: 12 inches

Material(s): iPad and Apple pencil

Process(es): Drawn on iPad using HB pencil, pen, and charcoal brush


Height: 15 inches

Width: 16 inches

Material(s): iPad and Apple pencil

Process(es): Drawn on iPad using HB pencil and pen brush


Height: 15 inches

Width: 15 inches

Material(s): iPad and Apple pencil

Process(es): Drawn on iPad using HB pencil brush


Height: 9 inches

Width: 12 inches

Material(s): HB pencil, micron, brush pen

Process(es): Sketched in pencil, drew over in micron, colored dress in brush pen


Height: 12 inches

Width: 9 inches

Material(s): feather pen, ink, watercolor, acrylic paint, pencil

Process(es): Sketched in pencil, drew over in feather pen and ink, background in watercolor, and dress in acrylic


Height: 15 inches

Width: 17 inches

Material(s): iPad and Apple pencil

Process(es): Drawn on iPad using only one brush type


Height: 8.5 inches

Width: 11 inches

Material(s): iPad and Apple pencil

Process(es): Drawn on iPad using charchoal brush


Height: 16 inches

Width: 10 inches

Material(s): iPad and Apple pencil

Process(es): Drawn on iPad using HB pencil brush, used reference photo


Height: 10 inches

Width: 20 inches

Material(s): iPad and Apple pencil

Process(es): Drawn on iPad using HB pencil brush and technical pen brush, used reference photo


Height: 9 inches

Width: 12 inches

Material(s): vine charchoal

Process(es): sketched and shaded in with vine charchoal


Height: 10 inches

Width: 7 inches

Material(s): vine charchoal

Process(es): sketched and shaded in with vine charchoal


Height: 16 inches

Width: 9 inches

Material(s): iPad and Apple Pencil

Process(es): Drawn on iPad using HB pencil brush, used reference photos


Height: 8.5 inches

Width: 11 inches

Material(s): iPad and Apple Pencil

Process(es): Collaged reference photos then used it as reference, drawn on iPad with pen brush


Height: 8.5 inches

Width: 11 inches

Material(s): iPad and Apple Pencil

Process(es): Used same background as #14, drawn on iPad with pen brush

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